Meeting with grand amaufti of Lebanon

Within the efforts to help those who need real help on the ground, and to be beside the Syrian refugees everywhere, to work to help them as much as possible. National - The Lebanese Mufti , Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian in Dar Al-Fatwa and a delegation from the International Organization for Human Rights Defenders, headed by Alsheikh Mohamed Asad Alkhalaf, who handed him a certificate of Honor for his efforts in humanitarian assistance and religious tolerance in Lebanon.After the meeting, speaking on behalf of Ambassador Misoun Farok Nassan Agha delegation said: "We met Grand Mufti, applauded for their efforts and Almbrorh to support Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and to give all possible for them due to their situation, and how to provide and deliver aid and secure ways to achieve this. As noted efforts Arab and international level, such as Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and others, as well as with foreign countries and communicate with them, all in support of project aid for the displaced, both in relief and connected insurance, and attention to health, education and social to their situation, and also touched the subject of the entry of Syrian refugees means illegal, and the need to take them because of the need for a human they are going through a war, killing and destruction, therefore, should not close the door in their face. "She concluded: "As we talked to the issue of rejection of racism, prejudice and rejection of any category, and rejected sectarianism, we are purely humanitarian point of only care about the affairs of humanitarian refugees from infants to the elderly. /
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